

The commune of Brzeziny is situated in the basin of the Prosna river in the area of the Grabowska Valley, it has got agricultural and tourist character. The area of the commune amounts to 12 .700 ha, including 5.340 ha occupied by forests.
The commune numbers 5.900 inhabitants, living in 19 administrative villages. Here are 1.130 individual farms. Due to the environmental virtues, in the area of the commune, two reserves were created: "Brzeziny" with magnificent royal ferns and "Olbina" with protected silver fir. 600-800 year old durmasts can be admired in the village park in Przystajnia-Folwark. Forest areas and reservoirs are suitable for tourism and relaxation. Due to the favorable climate, a relaxation centre with a bathing beach ad tennis court was created on one of the ponds in the valley of the Pokrzywnica river.
The picturesque location of the commune creates excellent conditions not only for tourists but also for artists. Each year there are artistic open air meetings, held by Brzeziny Foundation of Culture and Recreation, gathering artists who reflect the beauty of the region on their canvas.
More important monuments include: a granary from 18c., an old fire depot from 1935 and the church in Brzeziny from 1920.